Shropshire Star

Shropshire wildflower meadow hailed a success

A community wildflower meadow is hailed a success by the town council.

The wildflower meadow in bloom in Cleobury Mortimer

The Cleobury Mortimer Town Council said the project has been in response to people's recommendations and that it will be great for the town.

The meadow is just one of many projects the council has undertaken this year to help improve its open outdoor spaces.

Along with the wildflower meadow, the council have also nearly completed projects to create a bike trail and dog training area in the town.

The wildflower meadow in bloom in Cleobury Mortimer

Chair Debbie Brown, said: "The wildflower meadows were in response to listening to members of the public and what they wanted out of their green spaces. People were asking for the whole park area to be more useful.

"I think people are very positive about what is happening and the improvements we are making in that area. It will hopefully encourage people to go out for walks, take their dogs for walks and just generally spend more time outside.

"It is good for the community and good for families. It's all about maintaining our green spaces."

The wildflower meadow in bloom in Cleobury Mortimer

The council sourced the flowers from Wyre Forest Council who have had previous success with wildflower meadows.

Debbie said: "We are just waiting for the bike trail and some parts of the dog training area to be finished and then all the projects will be complete.

"The next thing we are working on is renovating the play area next to the primary school and putting in adult gym equipment - we are just waiting for funding really."

They have recently received letters from the local GP surgery and the primary school in support of this next project.

The wildflower meadow in bloom in Cleobury Mortimer

Matthew Sheehan, clerk to the council, said: "We took on the skate park area from Shropshire Council because they no longer wanted to keep it under their remit, and we did not want to lose the open space.

He explained they now work with the 'Fields in Trust' organisation to preserve their green spaces. This means they need permission if they want to build or do anything on the land.

He said: "We work very closely with the community and always have done. If we say we are doing something, we are going to do it.

"We do all our projects in consultation with the public, including residents and schools.

"We have reached the quality standard award with Shropshire Council and are now going for gold."

The meadow is located within the skate park area on Love Lane.

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