Shropshire Star

Countryside activities for next generation of rangers

Young people with a love for the countryside are able to lend a hand managing the south Shropshire landscape with a rangers project.

Shropshire Hills

Youngsters will be able to manage and protect the county’s landscape with the Shropshire Hills AONB Young Rangers project.

The project offers people aged from 12 to 16 new opportunities for exploration, learning and adventure in the great outdoors. Meaningful and fun activities are led by qualified and experienced outdoor leaders.

The Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership has just announced its Young Rangers winter programme which includes an event next weekend.

People can get hands-on grassland conservation skills with an AQA certificated activity, and even a roaring fire to warm the cockles after a day of clearing scrubland at Nils Quarry, Pontesbury.

This takes place on Saturday, January 22 and tickets can be found at

Then hedgerow planting is taking place in the Bishop’s Castle area, location to be confirmed on Saturday, February 5.

Youngsters can join the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) on a day of hedgerow creation. Tickets available at

Then in half term, the Stiperstones School is hosting a nest box building workshop on Monday, February 21.

Tickets available at

Those wanting to search for Shropshire's Pine Martens can join the team at Clunton Coppice on Wednesday, February 23 for a day in the woods camera trapping and setting up feeders.

Get tickets at

Finally, they are hosting a woodland activity day with charcoal making demo, woodland management skills and willow weaving.

This will take place at Poles Coppice, Pontesbury on Friday, February 25. Get tickets at

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