Shropshire Star

Residents encouraged to have their say on proposed road improvements

Residents have been encouraged to have their say on a number of proposed improvements to the roads around a Shropshire town.

Clun Masterplan

Clun Highways and Traffic Working Group (CHTWG), a partnership between Shropshire Council and Clun Town Council with Chapel Lawn, will launch a consultation to hear what people who live in the town have to say.

The group has been working for the last few months to develop measures in the town that address road drainage and maintenance, and improve the management of the road space and the way in which people and transport move around within it.

It is hoped that the measures will help to relieve concerns about congestion, road safety and an accumulation of traffic management measures such as roadsigns and lines over the years, making the historic town look cluttered.

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for physical infrastructure, said: "We’re really excited to show you what we’ve been working on and to hear your thoughts.

"Clun is a beautiful town and it’s important that we get the look and feel right, while making sure that it’s safe for people walking and travelling around or through it."

The consultation will open online on March 28 and remain open until April 13.

Nigel Hartin, Shropshire Councillor for Clun, said: "A lot of work over the last couple of years by the Clun Traffic Group, working with Shropshire Council, has gone into getting improvements which, we hope, will benefit all those who live, work and travel into and out of the town.

"We would really value wider community involvement through this consultation, so that we can be confident we’ve got it right."

Brian Angell, chair of Clun Town Council with Chapel Lawn, added: "The town council is very aware this will affect many more who live in the valley outside of Clun and your views are needed too.

"We recognise there will be disruption at times, and your thoughts on when this may impact the least will be helpful."

The consultation will be at when it goes live next week.

Those unable to view the proposals online will be able to see them at Clun Memorial Hall on March 29 from 2pm.

At 6pm there will be a presentation, and those attending will be able to have their questions answered virtually by the technical team.