Shropshire Star

MP joins calls for white paper aimed at removing barriers facing rural economy

An MP has joined calls to remove barriers facing the rural economy.

Philip Dunne MP

Ludlow MP Philip Dunne wants a Rural Economy White Paper to be tabled, with policy recommendations including simplifying tax systems and addressing staff and skills shortages.

Mr Dunne joined calls at the launch of a new report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on The Rural Powerhouse in Parliament on Wednesday.

The report sets out a blueprint for economic growth in rural communities, and makes 27 recommendations on ways to close the rural productivity gap, adding a potential £43bn to UK GVA per year.

Mr Dunne, who chairs the APPG on Rural Services, said: "It’s time to be ambitious for the rural economy. I know that rural businesses in South Shropshire have lots of potential to grow, create jobs and contribute even more to our communities. We need to identify the barriers they face and remove them. That’s why I am supporting calls for a White Paper on the rural economy to be announced in the forthcoming Queen’s Speech.”

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