Shropshire homes set to open up to offer advice on green issues
Climate conscious households are being asked to share their knowledge and experience of green technology and retrofitting their homes at an open house event in October.
Shropshire Council, Zero Carbon Shropshire and Marches Energy Advice are encouraging people to sign up for Green Doors Day on Saturday, October 8.
Households who have already carried out energy efficient work in their homes will open their doors to offer fellow residents advice with people able to find out first-hand all the information they need about making their homes more energy efficient and eco-friendly.
The event is being co-ordinated by Zero Carbon Shropshire and Marches Energy Agency, and participating homes are being mapped on the national network for low-carbon open homes.
Ian Nellins, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for climate change, natural assets and the green economy, said: “This event follows on from the success of last year’s Shrewsbury Green Doors open day.
“There is still time for more homeowners to volunteer their property as a case study and open up your home for the day to show off your efficiency measures.
“It would be great if their year’s event was really well supported and we can showcase exemplars all around Shropshire.
“This year there is a map to locate homes you would like to visit, and get some great ideas for your own home and talk to people who have experience in the processes from retrofitting homes to first-user experience of green tech.”
To enquire about taking part as an open house, email