Memorial day to celebrate the life of rugby player Dylan Price
Bishop's Castle & Onny Valley Rugby Club play host to the Dylan Price Memorial Day on Monday celebrating the life of a teenager killed in a hit and run.

The afternoon will raise money for the Dylan Price Memorial Fund and see the unveiling of a garden that has been created in his memory.
It will include rugby games with two of Dylan's former rugby teams, Shrewsbury and Bishop's Castle, food including a hog roast and live music from 5.30pm. There will also be a host of auction and raffle prizes, including a signed Wales Rugby shirt, a signed Worcester Warriors top, a weekend of glamping at Walcot Hall, mini digger hire for a week from Marches Machinery, and more.
Dylan's sister Izzy Price, said the day would raise money for the memorial fund, which will be intended to support under 21s with sports opportunities.
Izzy said: "Rugby was Dylan's thing but he did his lifeguarding, he would have a kick about with the football, if he could support someone with sport he would love to do that so others can enjoy sport like he did."
She added: "The day will be a chance to have a positive memory and celebration of Dylan. We still get our rougher days than others so it is a chance to come together and have the day being about Dylan and to be positive and pull together and celebrate his life."
"People in the local area, and further, have just been amazing in wanting to do something to help.
"We have about 70 raffle and auction prices," she said.
The popular teenager was killed the day before his 18th birthday after being hit by a vehicle during the early hours of September 19.
He was walking along the B4385 Brampton Road in Bishop’s Castle when the incident happened.
Despite numerous appeals no one has been charged over his death.