Shropshire Star

Council and residents object to plans to rebuild care home which had to be knocked down

Residents have called for a council to throw out plans for a care home on the site of a former residential home – which had to be knocked down because it was not built properly.

An artist's impression of the 75-bed care home in Cleobury Mortimer. Picture: Neil Boddison Associates

The proposal, to build a 75-bed care home at Cleobury Hills, on High Street in Cleobury Mortimer, was submitted in July.

The application, from Cleobury Holdings, comes after planning permission was previously approved for a 58-bedroom care home, which was built, only to be demolished last year after it was found it had not been built "in accordance with regulations".

The latest proposal, for an increase in the number of bedrooms, will also see the building extended to three storeys.

Responding to the plans, a number of nearby residents have written in opposition, raising concerns over the loss of privacy, and their experience during the construction of the now-demolished previous building.

Cleobury Mortimer Town Council has also registered its objection to the plans, calling on Shropshire Council to reject the proposal.

It said: "Whilst we recognise that this application should be treated independently there are a number of concerns which were not addressed during the previous construction and subsequent demolition.

"We, therefore, feel that concerns regarding this application for a replacement (larger) building than the one previously permitted are relevant.

"The previous building had to be demolished due to building regulation failures. Will planning and building regulations work with the applicant to ensure that, if the proposal is granted permission that the building is built according to current regulations?