Shropshire Star

17 animals killed in Shropshire barn fire as farmer is being 'supported'

A Shropshire farmer is being supported by the fire service following the deaths of 17 animals in a barn fire.

Last updated
Picture: Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service

The barn fire broke out in the early hours of Wednesday, and fire crews from across the county found a large barn near Cleobury Mortimer measuring around 160ft by 40ft was ablaze.

A spokesperson for Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service said: "Unfortunately approximately 17 animals died during the blaze.

"The service will continue to support the farm owner during this sad time."

The fire service said an investigation has been carried out and the fire is believed to have started accidentally and the most likely cause is electrical or self-combustion.

The barn contained 300 tonnes of blazing straw and hay, all severely damaged by fire.

A number of crews attended, including from Bishop's Castle, Bridgnorth, Church Stretton, Cleobury Mortimer, Craven Arms, Much Wenlock, Newport, Telford and Tweedale.

Crews used a water curtain, main jets, hose reels, a hydrant and inflatable dam

Fire crews remained in attendance on a watching brief.

The incident stop message was sent at 8.05pm.

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