Shropshire Star

Woman taken to hospital after car ends up on its roof in night-time crash

A driver was taken to hospital after her car came off the road and ended up on its roof.

Last updated
The woman was taken to hospital in Birmingham

Three emergency services rushed to the B4368 at Purslow, Clunbury, following the crash at around 10.50pm on Monday.

A spokesperson for the West Midlands Ambulance Service said: "We were called to reports of a road traffic collision on the B4368 near Purslow Clunbury, Craven Arms at around 10.50pm.

"An ambulance and paramedic officer were sent to the scene where, on arrival, crews discovered one car had come off the road and ended up on its roof.

"The driver, a woman, was already out of the vehicle and was treated by ambulance staff for injuries not believed to be serious before being taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham for further treatment."

Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service sent one fire engine from Clun at 11.11pm, where the crew used small gear to make one vehicle safe.

Firefighters declared their part in the incident over at 11.43pm.

West Mercia Police has been contacted for more information.