Closure of A49 'will leave Ludlow a ghost town'
The closure of one of Shropshire’s busiest trunk roads will cause Ludlow to become a 'ghost town', traders claim.

The A49 through south Shropshire is set to be completely closed to all vehicles and pedestrians from July 1 to 9, with the rail line also closed for multiple weekends across the same period.
The closure is due to Network Rail rebuilding the level crossing at Onibury, between Ludlow and Craven Arms, and traffic between Shrewsbury and Hereford is to be sent on a 60-mile diversion via Bridgnorth and Kidderminster.
Andy Boddington, Shropshire councillor for Ludlow North, the closure will be a 'massive blow' for traders.
He said: "Just as the tourism season kicks in Ludlow town is presented with a red card which is not of its own doing.
"The eerie silence of the A49 corridor will be massive blow for local traders that rely on the summer months for a much-needed boost in income from visitors.”
The rail line will also be closed all day on the weekends of July 1 and 2 and then again between July 8 and 9, with an hourly bus replacement.
Tish Dockerty, from Ludlow Chamber of Commerce, said: "Large vehicles, including HGVs and day tripping coaches, will be rerouted via Bridgnorth and Kidderminster from Shrewsbury, a route that takes much longer than straight down the A49.
"Coaches arrive and their passengers often have less than an hour to get around our visitor attractions. They’ll have even less time or may not even make it if they get stuck in traffic.
"They’ll bypass us and go straight on down to Cardiff.
"We rely so much on the increased footfall during the summer months.
"The difference this closure will make to the atmosphere of the town could be very noticeable.
"The Ludlow Fringe Festival runs until July 2 and the annual Ludlow Green Festival takes place on July 9.
"We have several choral, theatre and film events booked during the closure period, as well as our regular market and tourist attractions.
“Event organisers and shop owners fear that Ludlow will become a ghost town during these weekends.
“The chamber of commerce would like to be consulted on road and rail closures. We would like to have the option of moving significant road closures to a less busy time of year.
“We want to get the message out that Ludlow is open for business and for visitors. There are local diversions around the A49 closure suitable for cars.
“Coming to Ludlow won’t mean you can’t get north to Church Stretton and Shrewsbury, or south to Hereford.
“We want people to come and enjoy our beautiful, friendly town this summer. They should allow a little more time for their journey because of the closures.”