Shropshire Star

Shock over parking ticket for bus . . . at bus stop in Ludlow

A traffic warden slapped a ticket on a bus while it was waiting at a scheduled stop in Ludlow.

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The bus, the Arriva service between Ludlow and Knighton, was parked outside the town's Assembly Rooms on Mill Street.

It is understood that the driver of the bus had stepped off momentarily to take an authorised comfort break before resuming his journey.

However, while he was away from his vehicle, a Shropshire Council civil enforcement officer placed a penalty charge notice on windscreen of the bus which was waiting in a parking bay dedicated to local buses.

Arriva confirmed that the incident had taken place and that they are appealing the penalty.

A spokeswoman for the bus company said: "We have thoroughly investigated the circumstances surrounding the issuing of the ticket and believe that we have strong grounds to contest it.

"As such, an appeal has been lodged and we are currently awaiting a response.”

Local Shropshire Council member Andy Boddington said: "The talk of the town has been the slapping of a parking ticket on a bus.

"When the council slaps a yellow ticket on a bus dropping off and waiting for its passengers, it’s the absolute pits.

"I understand this ticket was issued by a new traffic warden who was new to the patrol in Ludlow.

'Out of control'

"I cannot understand why they put the ticket on the bus.

"I will back complaints by any bus company that has received a ticket.

"Parking enforcement within Shropshire Council is out of control.

"Shropshire Council has so many civil enforcement officers on the street. They need to find things to do.

"The scale of the council operation is bigger than the problem the council is trying to deal with.

"It doesn’t work efficiently. It loses money.

"It damages the economy of small towns like ours.

"Buses are vital to the social welfare and the visitor economy of Ludlow.

"We should not penalise businesses conducting a public service.

"I have asked council officers to explain what has happened on this occasion."

Councillor Boddington said he had a number of complaints from people who had either been waiting for the bus or who had been passing by and who had seen the civil enforcement officer issue the penalty notice.

Shropshire Council has been approached for comment.