Applications open for Ludlow theatre bursary
Applications have opened for a £10,000 bursary to support a playwright in the early stage of their career.
Pentabus, Ludlow, is looking to find their second Clive and Sylvia Richards Charity Writer In Residence.
The bursary supports a professional playwright in the early stage of their career providing the opportunity to spend up to a year at Pentabus’ base in south Shropshire.
During their time with Pentabus, the recipient will be given the opportunity to write at least one new full length play or piece of theatre, while learning more about how a professional theatre company works.
Pentabus was a recipient of the Channel Four writer in residence bursary for three years in a row.
In 2018, they were awarded a grant from the Clive and Sylvia Richards Charity to continue to support a writer in residence bursary for two years.
The first recipient was Sophie Ellerby, who said: "This is an incredible opportunity if you are in need of time and space to develop your writing. There is a saying, ‘write what you know’, while this is a great place to start, there comes a point when the stories needed to be told exceed your own experience.
"The residency has afforded me the time to think big. This bursary is a chance for you to challenge yourself and feel supported in the process."
Applications close on May 1 at 10am. For more information regarding the bursary and application process visit