Shropshire Star

Ludlow CCTV upgrade gets £14,000 grant

New CCTV cameras funded by a £14,000 grant will monitor suspect traffic entering and leaving a town in a bid to support police in fighting 21st-century crime.

Ludlow is getting new CCTV cameras

Town clerk Gina Wilding told Ludlow Town Council that phase two of the town's CCTV upgrade could go ahead after a successful funding application to the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Phase two is intended to provide targeted support to police by monitoring traffic flow into and out of residential areas of the town, enabling local policing teams to spot suspect vehicles.

The cameras will have Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) capability on the main routes into and out of Ludlow, which will help to ensure police resources can be deployed effectively.

The £13,853 grant was applied for on behalf of the town council by Shropshire Community Safety Partnership.

It comes as work gets underway on phase one of the camera upgrade, which will see the replacement of the town's dated cameras with a state-of-the-art system.

The first phase is designed to ensure the general wellbeing and safety of residents, visitors and business premises in the town.

Ms Wilding told members an electrician had been employed to begin the initial works to allow the main contractor to start installing the new cameras and transmitters.