Oak tree destroyed by vandals
An oak tree planted two decades ago has been destroyed by vandals.
The tree had been growing at the Gallows Bank Millennium Green and it is not know how or why it was cut down.
Trustees of the green that overlooks Ludlow say they have been left angered and distressed by the destruction of a fine young oak.
The tree, along the Dark Lane boundary, had been part of a developing woodland area.
It had been crudely cut1.5 metres from the ground and left in a potentially dangerous state.
David Davies, Chair of the Trustees, said he was told of the vandalism by one of the many walkers on the green. He said “Thoughtless vandalism like this makes me very angry. Over the years many people have put a lot of effort into caring for the site and improving it for wildlife and outdoor enjoyment. I hope anyone noticing such inconsiderate behaviour will feel able to intervene”.
Peter Norman, a fellow trustee and also Ludlow's tree warden said: “Whilst reducing the stump to ground level to make it safe I was able to count the tree rings. This showed that it had been planted shortly after the site was secured as a Millennium Green in 2000 and I well remember the working party that did the job.
"It is distressing to see the long-term project to turn this area of brambles into mature woodland sabotaged in this way."