Shropshire Star

Ludlow man running 100km in May for charity that supported family after miscarriages

The owner of a childcare centre in Ludlow is putting his best foot forward to raise money and awareness for a charity that supported his family through their baby loss.

Owner of Busy Bodies Childcare Centre, Ludlow, James Boddey, gets ready to run 100K in May, to raise money and awareness of Tommy's charity

James Boddy is the director of Busy Bodies Childcare Centre in Ludlow, and he is aiming to run 100km in the month of May for Tommy's charity.

The charity supports families after miscarriage, premature births and stillbirths. James and his wife, Adele, who both live in Ludlow, have experienced loss in this area and so James wanted to raise awareness of the charity that helped them through it.

The couple, who have been married for seven years, have two children – Penelope, seven, and Esme, five – but they have struggled to conceive in the past and have experienced five tragic miscarriages.

James, 33, said: "In May, starting on Sunday, I am going to run 100km which is just over 60 miles throughout the month. I am a bit of a runner already but I haven't done anything like this before.

Owner of Busy Bodies Childcare Centre, Ludlow, James Boddey, gets ready to run 100K in May, to raise money and awareness of Tommy's charity

"Everybody has a charity they hold dearly to them. My wife and I have been very fortunate to have two children, Penelope who is 7 and Esme who is 5 – they are great girls we are so proud of them.

"Alongside that we have altogether had five miscarriages. Two of those were ectopic pregnancies."

The couple even tried IVF last year but it didn't work out.

James said: "It has been hard for my wife, it is grief really. One in four women will go through something similar to this.

"When you start talking to people you find out they went through similar, but not everyone talks about it. I know Tommy's at the moment is hosting a petition to get more support for families – currently the rules are you have to have three miscarriages before support can be given.

"I really support this move and want to raise awareness. When you lose somebody it's hard – you make plans, it's difficult not to get wrapped up in the excitement. It's hard when that gets taken away from you."

James will be posting updates to his Facebook page when he starts the challenge, and he is aiming to raise £400 – so far, he has reached £200.

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