Shropshire Star

Volunteers sought to plant town's floral displays

An appeal is being launched for help in planting for a town's floral display.

Last updated
Councillor Viv Parry, chair of Ludlow in Bloom, is appealing for help getting the town's floral displays planted.

The Ludlow planting plans are behind schedule owing to the impact of the bad weather so far this year.

Councillor Vivienne Parry, who is Chair of Ludlow in Bloom is now putting out an appeal for people to help get the scheme back on track.

She said: " We are behind with the planting because of the wet and cold weather this year. All I am asking for is help with the planting.

"The boxes will have been emptied of winter plants and refilled with compost. There will be no heavy lifting involved, the work will only need the plants to be planted and everyone will have a list of the plants to plant and how many.

"The plants arrive this week and need to go in next week.

"We only need help for an hour or two from each volunteer to help get our town looking great for the summer."

Anyone wishing to help can contact Councillor Parry on or 01584 873604.

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