Plenty of half-term 'splodging' in south Shropshire
Just look at the concentration going into this half term pottery painting activity in south Shropshire!
Called SplodgeOCrock, an open day was held on Tuesday (Oct 26) at the Loudwater Studio in Ludlow and the drew in the children from far and wide.
Nikki Hook, of the venue at Burway Trading Estate, in Bromfield Road, said: "The SplodgeOCrock day went really well with us welcoming welcoming many families both local, and some staying in the area on holiday, to paint all kinds of pottery pieces."
The Loudwater Studio is a not for profit community arts and crafts studio which is a part of the Vision Homes Association charity. They are fundraising to keep the studio going after devastating floods in 2019 and closure from covid left it appealing for £30,000.
Nikki added: "We’re pleased to say the studio has been much busier over the last couple of months which is great.
"At one point we wondered whether we’d be able to welcome multiple groups of people like we did before covid, it’s been lovely to see the studio busy once again and hear the sounds of people enjoying their creative time with us.
"Although we are aware that case numbers are quite high at the moment we have a big space where social distancing is easier to manage than most and we’re looking forward to welcoming more people over the next few months."
The crowdfunding page is still live and although Nikki says it is "going quite as well as we hoped every little helps, so if anyone would like to donate there is still time." The donating page is here:
Apart from the open day SplodgeoCrock is a dedicated pottery painting service for everyone.
The studio has a range of unpainted pottery of all shapes and sizes, from cute money-boxes and animals to dinnerware.
For those who are still unsure of being in community spaces the studio offers offers a pottery-at-home service. They can even do commissioned pieces.
For more information visit