Shropshire Star

Old Ludlow bank building set to go back to the future

Plans have been revived to bring an empty bank building in Ludlow back into use - and install a "new, traditional" shop front.

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The front of the former bank building in Ludlow

The former HSBC in The Bull Ring was a bank for around 100 years before closing in 2017.

Previous plans to change the front of the modern part of the building - leaving the more ancient frontage - had lapsed.

But in a recent decision, Shropshire Council has given fresh plans to revamp the building the go-ahead.

Architect Philip Belchere, in documents submitted to Shropshire Council said: "Whilst the property is listed grade II very little of the original property survives intact. The frontage remains and the form of the original roof articulation but beyond this the structure has been altered, amended or lost."

The extension next to the old part of the building was erected in the last quarter of the 20th century and is of "no historic significance," he added.

The work involves removing the modern shop front and taking out modern partitioning and office spaces on the ground floor and adapting the spaces for flexible use. A "new traditional" painted timber shopfront, stall risers and central door will be installed.

Changing from a bank to a shop no longer requires planning permission but the council also granted listed building consent for the changes.

The historic frontage of the original listed building will remain as existing.

Council planners in reaching their decision noted that "the external alterations would preserve and enhance the appearance of both the listed building and the conservation area and there would be no detrimental impact on residential amenity or any overriding concerns in terms of archaeology".

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