Shropshire Star

Solar farm one third the size of Ludlow is on the drawing board

Developers are drawing up plans for a 49-hectare solar farm in south Shropshire which would be nearly one third the size of Ludlow.

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Ludlow. Picture: Google

Peterborough-based Anglo Renewables has asked Shropshire Council whether it needs to produce an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) because of its impact on the environment on Rock Farm, south of Rocks Green.

Such assessments seek opinions from environmental and other experts in advance of a formal planning applications, when the public and councillors are invited to have their say.

"To give an idea of the scale of this proposal, if it was built in Ludlow it would stretch from New Road to Temeside and from the Castle to the Ludlow Mascall Centre," said Ludlow councillor Andy Boddington.

The energy from the scheme could power 9,000 homes and have energy storage to supply electricity when the sun doesn't shine.

If it eventually gets the go ahead it would join one solar farm and another one being planned that could power all the homes in Ludlow, said Councillor Boddington.

The councillor also says the downside could be that "it will industrialise a rural landscape and will significantly damage views from the Titterstone Clee towards Ludlow. It could also disrupt long term expansion of the town east of the bypass."

The developer's agent, Birmingham-based property consultancy Harris Lamb, in its submission to the council, has said: "Based on the assessment undertaken to date it is not anticipated that that proposed development would be likely to result in significant environmental effects."

At the planning application stage they would submit assessments of ecology, landscape, glint and glare, noise, flood risk and how they have consulted local people.

Councillor Boddington already sees potential issues with security night lighting.

"Although light pollution can be minimised by shielding, the installation will be seen from miles away after dark," he said.

"The lighting will also disrupt wildlife. I am not convinced by the need to for all night lighting. We will need to scrutinise this closely when the planning application is submitted."

To view the plans as they have been announced so far visit the Shropshire Council planning website and search for 22/00581/SCR.

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