Shropshire Star

Ludlow Repair Cafe moves to new venue for end of April event

A repair cafe where people can go to get items fixed instead of throwing them away has moved to a new venue for its gathering next Saturday, April 30.

Dave Thompson in the foreground, with Allan Read and David Currant at the Ludlow Repair Cafe

The usual venue at the Ludlow Mascall Centre will be used as a vaccination station on that day so the Ludlow Repair Cafe has moved to the Elim Church.

Elim Church is at the back of the Smithfield Car Park, which is next to the town's Police Station.

Items can be taken to the Repair Café between 9.30am and 11.30am and collected between 12.00 mid-day and 12.30pm.

There is a limit of one portable item per owner on the day and TVs are not accepted.

But the volunteer team of repairers are said to be "ready and willing to accept a range of electrical items, household and garden tools, clocks, IT equipment, clothing, jewellery, radios, bicycles, toys.

"The list is endless as is the enthusiasm and willingness of the repairers,"said organiser Diane Lyle.

"There is no charge for repairs and, for this April Repair Café, all monies taken on the day will be donated to the Government’s DEC Ukraine Appeal."

For anyone unable to come along on April 30, the usual ‘at home’ repair service will carry on with volunteers accepting items at their own homes.

For more information or to join the team or repairers, phone Diane Lyle on 07786 620624 or email

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