Rallying cry goes up to Save the Lugg at a day of events on Friday

A town's residents are being called on to Save The Lugg this Friday.

The River Lugg at Leominster

Leominster mayor, Councillor Trish Marsh, and countryside charity CPRE has teamed up to host a day of free events - called Save The Lugg - in the town on Friday, July 8.

Its aim is to celebrate the town's local river, understand its problems and explore what can be done to solve them.

Councillor Marsh has chosen CPRE Herefordshire’s Citizen Science programme as her mayoral charity.

She said: "I live very close to the River Lugg and want to do all I can to restore it to its former glory. I’m confident that the citizen science programme will help us understand what is polluting our local river so that we can do something about it.

"Not too long ago the Lugg was full of life: fish, kingfishers, water crowfoot and otters. I’m ready to work hard to help that happen again. Local people love their rivers and I’m sure many people reading this feel the same way I do."

The local citizen science water testing team will be talking about what they do at the Friday market at Corn Square from 9am -12 noon, so look out for their table.

There will be Leominster Priory lunch time concert from 12 noon – 1pm for a concert of music and words to celebrate the River Lugg.

An evening of information and debate at Grange Court where speakers and audience discuss what is happening to the Lugg and explore the reasons and solutions. All are welcome. Bar provided from 6.30pm to 9pm.

Speakers will include:

• Helen Stace – Herefordshire Wildlife Trust – why our river is important

• Penelope Gane, lead solicitor for Fish Legal – making polluters pay

• Dr Alison Caffyn, Cardiff University – the proliferation of intensive poultry units in Herefordshire

• Andrew McRobb, Herefordshire CPRE – citizen science water testing & data capture

There will also be a display of recent work by the Lugg Embroiderers at Grange Court.

Anyone with questions about the events should email: admin@cpreherefordshire.org.uk