Shropshire Star

Shropshire church rector given honorary position at cathedral as mark of service

Ludlow parish church's well respected rector has been appointed to an honorary position at Hereford Cathedral.

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Reverend Kelvin Price, at The Parish Church of St. Laurence, Ludlow..

But it doesn't mean that the Rev Kelvin Price will be moving out of St Laurence’s, as the cathedral position of Prebendary de Cublington is honorary and given as thanks for his work in the church.

Parishioners at St Laurence's are planning to car-share and be present at the respected clergyman's official appointment at Hereford Cathedral on March 5.

Mr Price is currently away on sabbatical until March 31 but his colleague at St Laurence's, the Rev Lawrence Gittins, the church curate, said the honour was well-deserved.

"It is in recognition of his wonderful service to the people of Ludlow, the diocese and to the service of God," said Mr Gittins.

Mr Price's collation and installation as prebendary will take place from 3.30pm on March 5 at Hereford Cathedral.

A spokesman for St Laurence's Church said: "We hope that there will a strong contingent from St Laurence’s attending the Cathedral Evensong on Sunday March 5 at 3.30pm when Kelvin’s appointment as a Prebendary is formalised.

"If you would like a lift to Hereford, or can offer a lift to others, for the service please add your name to the list on the stewards’ chest. Please note that there will be no Choral Evensong on that day."

Rt Rev Richard Jackson, the Bishop of Hereford, has made a number of appointments to vacancies at the Cathedral, with prebendary roles including having a seat in the cathedral and the ability to vote on the appointment of the bishop.