Firefighters in Ludlow praise community responders and passersby at scene of A49 crash
A driver was helped by passersby to get out of his car after it had crashed on the A49 near Ludlow.

The small car came to rest on its side with the man trapped inside but he was quickly helped by passers by and the emergency services.
Firefighters have praised the passers by and the Ludlow Community First Responders who were second on the scene. The incident received a response from all three emergency services, including an air ambulance.

A spokesman for Ludlow Fire Station said: "We attended a road traffic collision on the A49 Ludlow involving one small vehicle that had come to rest on its side with one male trapped inside.
"Due to the nature of the incident, multiple resources were deployed from all three services, including the air ambulance."
But they said the response was quickly scaled down after they found that the man had got out with help from passers-by.
"On our arrival, we quickly established that the driver had self extricated with help by passers by, so we were able to scale down the resource required."
The spokesman added that the Ludlow Community First Responders were second at the scene following the fire service arrival.
They received an overview from the fire service officer in change of the incident and then a full patient handover from one of their trained firefighters.

The first responder carried out a full assessment and took over the care of the male driver until the arrival of his colleagues from West Midlands Ambulance Service.
The spokesman added: "The police also attended to assist with traffic management and carry out their investigation duties.
"Thankfully, no injuries were sustained.
"The Ludlow Community First Responders are an asset to our community.
You can show your support to LCFR Scheme by joining us at our Charty Car Wash this coming Saturday at Ludlow Farm Shop, where we will be raising funds to support the scheme.
"We are excited for the future now that we’ve forged a relationship with the LCFR"
Sgt Jenni Price, of the police team in South West Shropshire, said she and PCSO Thomas from Ludlow Police also attended.
"Thankfully no injury to the driver and the road is now fully open," she tweeted at 5.16pm on Sunday.