Shropshire Star

Shoplifter who stole lamb chops soon after getting out of prison is sent down again

A prolific Ludlow shoplifter has been sent back to prison for stealing soon after he was released from jail.

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Anthony Shingler, aged 39, of no fixed abode in Ludlow, was up before Kidderminster Magistrates Court on Friday where he pleaded guilty to two shoplifting offences in Leominster.

Valerie Hart, prosecuting, outlined the offences while Shingler was represented by Brendan Reedy before magistrates handed down the sentence.

The court heard how Shingler took makeup items valued at £155.89 from Leominster Pharmacy and eight lamb chops valued at £44 from a Co-op shop, also in Leominster, last Thursday.

Magistrates decided to send Shingler back to prison for four weeks and ordered him to pay compensation of £199.89 after taking his guilty plea into account.

They decided that the offences were so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified because of Shingler's record of offending and that the offences were committed shortly after he was released from a previous jail term.

The court was also told that Shingler had a previous failure to respond to non-custodial sentences.