Shropshire Star

Watch nostalgic video and peer back in time with 13 photos as ironmonger set to shut after 160 years

A traditional family ironmonger shop that has served Ludlow for 160 years is calling it a day.

The name of Rickards has been proudly displayed in Ludlow for 160 years

Rickards, a shop that has been familiar to generations of Ludlovians since the time of Queen Victoria, will close its doors for the final time today.

So before everything is cleared out of Rickards for new owners, the Shropshire Star took the opportunity to have one last look around at this veritable time capsule.

The famous front of Rickards

These views will have been familiar to millions of locals and tourists alike over the years since 1864, as the shop held pride of place at Bull Ring.

Looking at Rickards & Son in Ludlow from every angle

Photographer Jamie Ricketts took the opportunity to photograph it from every angle, for posterity's sake.

Rickards & Son in Ludlow is on a prime spot in Bull Ring

In times past the entrance to the shop was where lots of goods would be on display, like a scene from hit shop comedy Open All Hours.

Stepping inside Rickards was like stepping back in time