Shropshire Star

Popular market marks 24 years of celebrating local produce with a meander and meet

A market in Shropshire will be celebrating 24 years of local produce with a 45-minute walk.


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This month marks the 24th year of the Local to Ludlow Producers’ Market, and a Market Meander is planned for next Thursday, July 11.

Market manager Tish Dockerty will be leading the walk, which will be an informal opportunity to meet stallholders.

She said: "This will be a very informal opportunity to take a group of interested people around the market, introduce them to a number of regular stallholders and for them to talk to them about their produce."

File photo when Ludlow Market 'Local to Ludlow' celebrated 21 years and said goodbye to founders: Peter and Kate Norman. Market Manager: Tish Dockerty also pictured..

The walk is free, will commence at 10am and will last approximately 45 minutes.

Attendees are asked to meet in the cafe area at the front of the market.

The Local to Ludlow Producers’ Market is a popular farmers market, independently run by a not-for-profit community interest company Local to Ludlow.

It recently was cited as one of the not-to-be-missed features of Ludlow’s foodie offerings in a Which? Travel survey.

The market takes place throughout the year on every second and fourth Thursday of the month.

What is distinct about the market is that the stallholders are all producers of the products they sell: mainly food and drink with some art, craft and plants.

Tish Dockerty has been the market manager for 18 years, is a producer herself and states that the market rules are that of any farmers market, all stallholders are from 30 miles of Ludlow and all food, drink and plants for sale must be grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked or processed by the stallholder. All art, craft and homeware are made by the stallholder too.

For further information visit the website or call Tish Dockerty on 07985218727.