Shropshire Star

Telford family's tribute to 'special' son Khaleel

The parents of 12-year-old Khaleel Khan have paid tribute to their "very special" son who has died after losing his fight against leukaemia.


The Telford youngster died in the arms of his parents on June 29 at Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Khaleel attended Telford Priory School for only a few months in 2016 before becoming ill with cancer for a second time, and was being treated for the condition since then.

Flowers from Khaleel’s siblings, Aaliyah, Simra and Khalis

His mother Kelly, 31, a beautician, of Woodhouse Crescent, Trench, and dad Majid, 37, paid an emotional tribute to him on Facebook and shared photographs of floral tributes from his funeral held on July 5.

Mrs Khan said: "I want to thank everyone for all their kindness and support through Khaleel's battle and especially since we lost our boy.

"We have been overwhelmed by the community, friends, family, even those who were strangers to us. You have all helped make these last 10 days much more bearable.

"I would also like to thank you all for your amazing generosity on Khaleel's funeral page, even though Khaleel was very poorly we never truly thought he would not get through it, your very generous donations have helped us give Khaleel a beautiful send off that he well and truly deserved, without you the send off he had wouldn't of been possible.

Khaleel was described as a ‘very special’ son

"Also Thank you for all your beautiful flowers that our home is beautifully covered in.

"When I saw the amount of people who lined the streets clapping for Khaleel, waving, even crying with us, it made my heart burst with pride knowing how much my boy meant to so many people.

"I was only 18 when I had Khaleel and I've made many many mistakes along the way, but he turned out to be a very very special, kind, caring, loving, sweet young man, that we are all very very proud of for so many reasons.

"I don't know how we will ever learn to live without him by our side, but I know we have to try to make life as happy as possible for the other three children, who I am also very proud of, they have been so strong through all of this.

"To have their lives turned upside down for three years, especially these last three months, it's been very tough on them, but thanks to the amazing support of my family and friends, they have been kept settled and in a routine with school, and have always had someone there to talk to if they've needed it.

"Also thank you to their schools who have been so supportive along the way and are still continuing their support with the children.

"It's very hard writing this post at the moment so I'm sorry if I've not thanked people individually, please know that each and every person I am very grateful to and I'm so thankful to have you all in our lives. Xxxxxxxxxxx."

Khaleel initially became unwell in 2014 and missed all of year five at junior school while he was being treated. He got better and went back to school, but in November 2016 he was admitted to Telford’s Princess Royal Hospital and tests sadly showed the leukaemia had returned.

Doctors told the family that the odds of securing a donor were less than 20 per cent because he was of mixed race. Earlier this year stem cells from a German donor were used, but Khaleel struggled to recover.

He is also survived by his siblings Aaliyah, eight, Simra, seven, and Khalis, four.

More than £4,500 was been raised by members of the public to help his family with funeral costs.The cortège travelling from Woodhouse Crescent and pass his former school, Wrockwardine Wood Juniors, in Church Road, before he was laid to rest at Wellington Cemetery.