Former Telford school to be demolished
A former school in Telford where lessons were held for the last time in May will is set to be demolished later this year.
Permission has now been given to start demolition work at the old Grange Park Primary School in Calcott, Stirchley, by Telford & Wrekin Council.
According to documents released by the authority, demolition work is due to start on October 30 and expected to be finished by November 17.
A council report, giving permission for the demolition work to take place, outlines measures which will be taken to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.
A dust suppression system is expected to be used throughout the demolition work to reduce the impact of dust production.
In the report, case officer Vijay Kaul said: “Noise monitoring will also be a continual process throughout these works and regular readings will be recorded to ensure the recommended limits are not exceeded.
“The proposed method of demolition is considered acceptable, particularly in terms of safeguarding neighbouring amenity.”
Following the demolition work, the site is poised to be redeveloped with up to 37 homes.
Outline planning permission has already been given for the scheme.
A council report from case officer Vijay Kaul reads: “The applicant has confirmed that the site will be completely fenced; the building will be removed to foundation level.
“Aggregate will be left on site for future use by developers.
“The site is to be left clear until reserved matters or full planning consent is granted for the redevelopment of the site.”
“Due to the nature of the proposed works it is unlikely that there will be any harm caused by the demolition of the building on contamination and no substantial ground works would be involved as part of the remedial works of this proposal.”
Demolition work is expected to be carried out between the hours of 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, and from 9am to 2pm on Saturdays, with no work on Sundays.
The new Grange Park Primary School has been built on a site at the old Lord Silkin/Lakeside Academy site in Grange Avenue.
After 10 years of planning and millions of pounds spent, students enjoyed their first day in their new purpose-built school in June.
The new complex, which is situated next to Telford Park School, features bigger classrooms and new teaching equipment.
It caters for about 400 pupils and 60 nursery children.
The school came about after Three Oaks Primary and Stirchley Primary merged in 2010.
Wates construction firm was responsible for building the new school.