Shropshire Star

Choir on song with new CD

A Shropshire choir has taken a second dip into the recording world with the release of a new CD, called Let All Men Sing.

Chris Mansell and Robyn Davies of the choir with the latest CD.

The CD by Hadley & District Orpheus Male Voice Choir comprises 16 tracks, including traditional and contemporary numbers.

Musical director Robyn Davies said: "We recorded it in St Michael's Church in Madeley which has the most beautiful acoustics, and used the piano and the organ in the church."

Although not a concert, it was a live recording, and was done in the middle of September.

The CD is the choir's second, with the first virtually selling out all 500 copies.

She added: "Mainly it's to raise money for the choir, but when the opportunity arises we will sell them and give a donation to charities as well. For example, when we did a concert last year for CAP, which is Christians Against Poverty, we sold them with one pound of every sale going to the charity – that's something we regularly do."

The albums are £7 each and are available from choir members or direct from Robyn by contacting her at by email.

The recordings were done by Stage and Studio Services Ltd of Jackfield.