Shropshire Star

Friends help to save Christmas for Telford family

When Steph Clayton was let down by a Christmas dinner delivery no-show, she thought she would have to go without a traditional meal for her and her son Harris.

Steph Clayton, left, and her son faced a Christmas without a traditional dinner until friends Jason Harris and Liz Knight stepped in to help

But when she told kind-hearted friends what happened, they got their heads together to save Christmas for the family from Telford.

Steph, 46, ordered her food from the Wellington branch of Tesco and it was due to arrive late last week.

She said: “I waited up for my Christmas food delivery from 10pm to 11pm. No delivery came, and there was no phone call.

“I rang the local store at 11pm to be told that their driver had hurt his back and they were sending a recovery driver to take over, and my shopping would be with me as soon as possible.

“After waiting up all night, I contacted Tesco via Facebook messenger to ask what had happened to my delivery.”

Steph and her son Harris

The next day’s response from Tesco’s customer service department said that “miscommunication” had meant Steph’s order was cancelled and her money refunded.

She was also offered a £30 coupon as a “gesture of goodwill”.

Steph said: “I have had attempted deliveries before and they have just redelivered the next day.

“I am a single parent on ESA – that money was the last bit of money I had.

“I spent the whole day after in tears.”

Steph has lived with agoraphobia since she was a teenager, so she doesn’t leave her home in Stirchley.

Unable to buy another dinner for her and her son, Steph confided in friends.

To her amazement, they promptly did her shopping for her and brought a festive feast to her door to help celebrate the season.

She said: “I was overwhelmed, it was such a nice thing to do and they didn’t have to. They are a lovely bunch and I couldn’t be happier.”