Shropshire Star

New street lights for Telford will save £500,000

New energy-efficient street lights will save Telford and Wrekin half a million pounds and pay for themselves within the first year, according to the borough’s transport chief.

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The installation of the LED bulbs is part of a £34million roads upgrade package, contained within the council’s 2019-21 transport budget, which will also see £12.5million spent on road repairs.

The street light switchover will cost a one-off £437,000 with £100,000-a-year maintenance.

The two-year capital programme report, written by highways delivery manager Dominic Proud and contained within the borough’s service and financial plan, will be discussed by councillors this week.

Mr Proud writes: “The council’s new street lighting contract is supported by a major two-year £5.3million investment in upgrading street lighting to LEDs across the borough, helping to reduce our energy costs by nearly half a millions pounds per annum and improve the quality of lighting at the same time. This programme is now close to completion.”

The 2019-21 transport capital plan also includes £5.4million on structures maintenance. and £1.5million for the upkeep of footpaths and £970,000 for drainage maintenance.

Mr Proud writes: “The New Town status of Telford means that much of the infrastructure is deteriorating at a similar rate and is now coming to the end of its useful life.” Spending now, he argues, will prevent the need arising for more drastic work and emergency repairs in the future.

Telford and Wrekin Services, who have been the borough’s highways maintenance contractor for 18 years, will hand the job over to Balfour Beatty Living Places on April 1.

Mr Proud writes: “The new contract will provide significant benefits through better performance management, a focus on getting things right first time as well as providing £1.4m of savings over the course of the contract.

“In addition to this the contract will bring significant social value benefits including growing the current workforce from 14 to 31 full-time equivalents, providing three apprenticeships and one graduate placement.”

Telford and Wrekin Council was due to consider Mr Proud’s report today., and the rest of the 2019-20 budget, when it holds its next full session on Thursday, February 25.