Shropshire Star

Telford gears up for Proms extravaganza

Telford will be looking to mirror the Albert Hall's Last Night Of The Proms atmosphere as the town stages its own Last Night Of The Proms in September, complete with flag waving and patriotic hats.

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Telford will be looking to mirror the Albert Hall's Last Night Of The Proms

The event is aiming to raise at least £1,500 for local charities and if it is a success it is hoped it will become part of the town's annual social calendar.

"It is to take place on September 14, the same date as the big event is held at the Albert Hall. My intention is that it will be Telford's very own Albert Hall 'do,'" said organiser Jannice Howdle, of Telford Centre Rotary Club.

Open to all, it is being held at Wrekin College Memorial Hall in Wellington at 7pm for 7.30pm, and the £17.50 ticket price will include a traditional British meal – mini fish and chips.

Jannice said: "The possibility of a Last Night Of The Proms arose from a chance meeting with the President of the Sedgley and Wombourne Rotary Club. He explained how they had run it for a number of years and how well it had become supported and looked forward to as an annual event. It was a good mix of enjoyable entertainment and fundraising for local charities.

"It struck me as something we could emulate in Telford and so I set about looking at it in more detail using the Sedgley and Wombourne event as a model. I came to the conclusion that it was something we could do here at Telford, organised by Telford Centre Rotary Club.

"The atmosphere will be created by having the prizewinning Jackfield Brass Band as the 'orchestra.' The band is used by Sedgley and Wombourne so they know what is required to get everyone going.

"Furthermore we have a lady singer to lead us through the patriotic songs and, unusually, one of the pieces will be Scotland The Brave on account of our Rotary club having a Scottish member contingent. We will be selling Union Jack flags and hats at the door which again should help set the atmosphere.

"I think we could raise around £1,500 or maybe a little more. I hope to sell 160 tickets – 160 is the maximum capacity of the Memorial Hall at Wrekin College.

"The event is open to all – it is not restricted to Rotarians – and indeed I have already sold tickets to members of the public."

To buy tickets ring Jannice on 01952 814266 or contact her at by email.

She added: "If the event is successful, and I am working my socks off, as are a number of Telford Centre Rotarians to ensure it is, we will be aiming to hold it as an annual event in the Telford social calendar."