Shropshire Star

Community fridge for struggling Telford families

Struggling families on a Telford estate have the benefit of a new community fridge to help ease the cost of living.

Cllr Rae Evans and Cllr Kelly Middleton

The scheme has been set up to help Woodside residents who need a helping hand when it comes to meals. The project is up and running at Park Lane Centre, in Park Lane, where families can call in and pick up to three food items or more at the staff''s discretion.

They can stock up on donated items of fruit and vegetables.

The community fridge is the brainchild of the centre staff who applied to ward representatives councillors Kelly Middleton and Rae Evans for grant funding to cover the setting up cost.

The scheme was officially launched at a special environment day held at the centre to inform householders about changes to recycling services in Telford & Wrekin and to show them how waste management assists the community.

Exhibitors at the event included waste contractors Veolia and Idverde, The Job Box, Telford Woods plus biomass boiler supplier Innasol which demonstrated to residents how the equipment is used to recycle waste. Visitors were also treated to craft activities and displays.

Councillor Middleton said: "As councillors for the area we decided to organise an environment day to keep the community informed about the importance of recycling and how everyone can do their bit to recycle.

"Quite a few people came and they seemed to enjoy learning about the issues and how to save energy. They were shown how the biomass boiler works. We also wanted to make people aware of the new food caddies which are being rolled out across the borough and how to make the best use of them.

"We wanted to educate them about making sure they are putting the right items in the right bins.

"It was also an ideal opportunity to launch the new community fridge which myself and Councillor Evans funded from our ward grant allocation. The fridge costs between £600 and £700 to purchase.

"Residents book in at reception if they require food. We know people in the community need help. We have the food banks."