Shropshire Star

Objections raised to Telford housing plan

Nearly 100 homes could be built on two parcels of land in Telford, under new plans.


Lioncourt Homes wants to build 94 homes off Gatcombe Way, Priorslee, and has submitted a planning application to Telford & Wrekin Council.

There would be a mixture of one, two, three and four bedroomed homes, and 228 parking spaces would be provided.

A report, submitted with the application, states: "It is intended that the design and scale of the houses will fit seamlessly into the surrounding areas of modern development. "The proposed house types will use predominantly traditional designs, materials and details."

But the plans have also attracted a number of objections online.

Concerns have been raised about traffic and parking, as well as the potential impact on schools.

James Shaw, who lives in Gatcombe Way, has objected to the plans.

He said: "This land is a community resource that allows local residents to enjoy a degree of green space in a congested part of Telford.

"I believe this project will lead to overcrowded play areas in the local area, a further lack of community resources and difficulties due to few local shops."


Martin Brown, of Westminster Way, nearby the site, raised concerns over potential parking issues.

He said: "As a resident on Westminster Way I feel that the plans have had no consideration for the current dwellings.

"There is already limited open space in Priorslee.

"Parking I can see will become a major issue particularly on Westminster Way.

"The plan shows lack of parking attached to the dwellings being proposed.

"Already the schools are oversubscribed and I struggle to get off the estate now."

Laura Burns, of Ely Close, Priorslee, also raised an objection.

Responding to the planning application published on Telford & Wrekin Council's website, she posted: "We moved to Priorslee recently because we loved the open space.

"In the last year you have allowed 687 homes to be built within a 0.5 mile radius from our home.

"There is nowhere left for children to play or for wildlife to live. To put more homes in the area will just put more pressure on the over subscribed schools (children on waiting lists) oversubscribed doctors (30 mins on hold and still no appointment due to how many patients they have).

"The roads are suffering due to the increased volume of traffic and the facilities such as shops and parks are extremely poor. Already the roads are congested and with the zoo at the bottom of Salisbury Avenue people double park, which has become both a pedestrian and driving hazard.

"The area is already oversubscribed and the amount of traffic is becoming unsafe for children to play.

"The green area is a community place where people enjoy taking their children, and walking their dogs."

A decision on the proposals will be made by Telford & Wrekin Council in the upcoming months.