Shropshire Star

Telford MP Lucy Allan signs letter condemning 'distasteful and misleading' Meghan Markle stories

Telford MP Lucy Allan has joined with women MPs from across the country to offer support to Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle.

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Meghan Markle

Ms Allan was one of a number of MPs to sign a letter taking a stand against "distasteful and misleading" stories published about Her Royal Highness in national newspapers.

Ms Allan said women in public life suffer high levels of social media abuse and personal attacks, and said she was pleased to sign the letter.

It comes after Her Royal Highness took part in Harry & Meghan: An African Journey, an ITV documentary in which the couple spoke about the high level of media attention they get.

The Duchess of Sussex is also suing a newspaper, and Prince Harry wrote an open letter in which he said: "My wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences."

Ms Allan said: "Women MPs cross party often show solidarity for each other and women in public life in different ways.

"I wanted to support Holly Lynch, the Labour MP for Halifax, on her initiative and was pleased to sign her letter.

"Women in public life experience high levels of social media abuse and personal attacks of various kinds and if you are unaccustomed to it, it can be difficult to deal with.“

The letter to Her Royal Highness, which was also signed by dozens of MPs including Diane Abbott, Yvette Copper and Jess Phillips, says: "As women MPs of all political persuasions, we wanted to express our solidarity with you in taking a stand against the often distasteful and misleading nature of stories printed in a number of national newspapers concerning you, your character and your family.

"Even more concerning still, we are calling out what can only be described as outdated, colonial undertones to some of these stories. As women MPs from all background, we stand with you in saying it cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.

"Although we find ourselves being women in public life in a very different way to you, we share an understanding of the abuse and intimidation which is now so often used as a means of disparaging women in public office from getting on with our very important work.

"With this in mind we expect the national media to have the integrity to know when a story is in the national interest, and when it is seeking to tear a women down for no apparent reason."