Shropshire Star

Deer struck in two-car Telford crash

A deer has had to be put down after being struck in a crash involving two cars in Telford.


The collision happened near Horsehay Village Golf Centre, in Wellington Road, Horsehay at about 8.30pm on Sunday.

Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service attended the scene along with police and ambulance crews.

The incident resulted in a closure of part of the carriageway.

Watch manager Steve Godfrey, of Wellington Fire Station, said: "Sadly the deer did not survive. It was put down by a responsible person.

"The matter was left in the hands of the police and we left the scene."

West Mercia Police spokesperson Eleanor Harris said: "Police were called at around 8.35pm on November 10 after a collision on Wellington Road near to Horsehay Golf Centre. No-one was injured, however, a deer was struck in the collision and due its injuries had to be put down."

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