Shropshire Star

Budding Telford producer, 15, marks latest film with red carpet event

From a surprise Hollywood nomination to working with industry professionals, a young Telford film maker's 'you don't ask, you don't get' motto has brought him to a red carpet event of his own to celebrate the launch of his latest movie.

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Luke Haughton, 15, from Telford, has directed a short film, Unstable, with actors with tv/film experience from around the West Midlands

At the age of 15, Luke Haughton has already worked with the likes of Karl Pilkington and numerous actors from productions such as Doctor Who, The Bill and Harry Potter.

Having just finished his latest short film, Unstable, he staged a red carpet event at Telford Priory School attended by the Mayor, Councillor Stephen Reynolds, to thank those involved and watch the final production.

Luke Haughton, 15, from Telford, has directed short film Unstable with actors from around the West Midlands

Depicting the tragic downward spiral of a casual drug user, the 17-minute movie was inspired by the work of Luke's parents, who support vulnerable people within the community.

The Telford Priory School Student said: "My parents started working within our community centre about five years ago, so I have always felt these vulnerable addicts are often portrayed as gratuitous drug users rather than normal people that have made a mistake and need help.

"That's the reason I decided to use my film making skills to try and change the general view on this."

The event was held at Telford Priory School

Initially using friends to star in his short productions, Luke took to Facebook in order to cast professional actors and said his outward approach has attracted some unlikely features.

"Everyone with a line in the film is a professional actor, which really helped get others involved," he said.

See a trailer for the film here (Warning: Inferred drug taking depicted):

"Alexander Westwood, who plays the main part, has just been doing All My Sons in the West End and Peter Terry was also involved. He was in The Bill and has been all over – he's one of the most experienced.

"I go with 'if you don't ask, you don't get', and that's really worked for me. I've produced a film with an audio feature from Karl Pilkington and ended up being nominated for Best Producer at the Young Artist Awards in Hollywood last year."

Luke Haughton, 15, from Telford, has directed short film Unstable with actors from around the West Midlands

Going by the name Luke Allen on the film and TV website Internet Movie Database (IMDb), the budding producer said it came as a shock to find his name on a Hollywood shortlist.

"It's something I actually know very little about," he said. "I was checking my IMDb page and it came up on there. Essentially a judge over there had seen my work online and nominated me."

Julie Haughton, Luke's mother, added: "We're gobsmacked at what he's doing. He's teaching us so much. He's not afraid to ask for anything and although it's not really considered the British way, people are so keen to support him.

"His school have also been brilliant. They helped organise the red carpet event which was wonderful."

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