Shropshire Star

Training call over NHS staff in Shropshire

An emergency planning chief has called for better training attendance from NHS staff in Shropshire.

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Telford & Wrekin CCG will discuss the report

Marcel Comer, NHS England’s regional head of “Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response” has rated Telford and Wrekin’s CCG as “fully compliant”, but has said higher turnouts at exercises will “consolidate” on-call workers’ skills.

The 2004 Civil Contingencies act requires NHS organisations to demonstrate they can deal with incidents like extreme weather, an infectious disease outbreak or a major transport accident, while maintaining services.

A report for the Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group’s governance board writes that both they and Shropshire CCG will implement Mr Comer’s recommendation.

Corporate affairs director Sam Tilley writes: “CCGs are required to participate in an EPRR assessment each year, which is undertaken by NHSE.

“On the basis of this assessment, NHSE allocate an assessment rating which may include actions for improvement.”

She adds that Telford and Wrekin CCG received a “full compliance” rating in 2018-19, and have maintained this in 2019-20.

“NHSE have proposed that Telford and Wrekin CCG, along with Shropshire CCG, increase the number of on-call staff who are involved in emergency planning exercises to further support and enhance the emergency planning skills within the organisation,” Mrs Tilley writes.

“This will now be taken forward.”

In his letter to Mrs Tilley, Mr Comer that Telford and Wrekin CCG submitted a self-assessment submission form and attended a meeting with NHSE last year before receiving the “fully compliant” rating. The two other available ratings were “non-compliant” and “partially compliant”.

“Whilst it was recognised that some good work has taken place since last year, there are improvements that will be required over the next 12 months,” he wrote.

Mr Comer recommended that the CCG “consider[s] better attendance at exercises for all on-call staff to consolidate EPRR training during live events”.

Telford and Wrekin CCG’s governance board will discuss the report when it meets on Tuesday, January 14.