Shropshire Star

Telford residents urged not to report noisy footsteps or household appliances

People in Telford are being asked not to complain about certain noise from neighbours during lockdown, including footsteps, washing machines and vacuum cleaners.

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Telford & Wrekin Council pointed out that people may be more aware of noise from neighbours with everyone spending more time at home, and asked for people to show understanding.

The authority also issued guidance on noise regarding DIY, entertainment and construction.

The council said: "As more and more of us are spending extended time at home during the pandemic, we may be more aware of noise from our neighbours who are also home for longer periods and at different times.

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"Whilst this authority can take action against those who repeatedly make unreasonable noise that impacts on their neighbour’s enjoyment of their homes, there are some day to day noises that are heard due to people living in close proximity to one another.

"Examples would include footsteps and noise from washing machines and vacuum cleaners. In these instances it may require more understanding and patience rather than formal action or intervention by the council.

"Likewise, you should also consider how activities may impact on those around you."

The authority asked people to only carry out noisy DIY between 9am and 5pm and not to use power tools for more than three hours a day.

It also urged people to keep the volume on entertainment systems to a reasonable level that cannot be heard outside your home.

Construction work must be kept to the hours of 8am to 6pm.

Parents are asked to ensure their children's play activities do not disturb neighbours.

The council also said that when complaints are made about consistent banging of doors, shouting or swearing, it has to ensure residents work together to reach a compromise.

The council will continue to process complaints made concerning noise, but with a reduced response capacity. You can still call to report ongoing noise by calling 01952 381818.