Shropshire Star

Police urge wet-weather caution after two-car crash in Ironbridge

Police say it was fortunate no one was injured in a two-car crash in Ironbridge yesterday.

The crash at Jiggers Bank. Picture: Telford Cops

The crash took place at Jiggers Bank, in what police have called 'slippy' conditions due to the weather..

Police said that West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) had attended but those involved were not injured.

Writing on Twitter Telford Cops urged people to drive safely, saying: "RTC at Jiggers Bank, luckily no injuries after a check over by @OFFICIALWMAS

"The roads are slippy today after weeks of sun & now two days of rain causing them to become greasy.

"Take extra care on the roads whilst they are wet & get home safe."