Shropshire Star

Hundreds turn out for Black Lives Matter demonstration in Telford

Around 500 people marched against racism in the latest Black Lives Matter protest in Shropshire.

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Protesters gathered at Telford Town Park to march against racism

"No justice, no peace" and "black lives matter" were the cries as around 500 people marched against racism in Telford on Sunday afternoon.

The display of solidarity started with a few hundred before swathes more joined in as the protesters marched around Southwater as the sun shone.

WATCH: Black Lives Matter demo in Telford

It came after an emotionally charged but peaceful demonstration in Telford Town Park, where black people spoke out about the racism they've faced in their lives.

A period of silence was also held for nine minutes - the same amount of time George Floyd's neck was knelt on by a white police officer before he died in Minneapolis in the United States.

The event was organised by 21-year-old Caddyn Ffrench, from Wellington, who spoke first.

Hundreds turned out to the Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park
Hundreds turned out to the Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park
Hundreds turned out to the Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park

She said: "I was sat at home watching it on the news and thought I've got to do something. It was overwhelming and I felt really upset and angry.

"I've been a victim of racism before. I just want to make sure out voices are heard. I had it when I was six when I wasn't allowed to go to a party because the parents 'didn't like people like me'.

"We wanted it to be peaceful and we have had a lot of support."

Hundreds turned out to the Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park
Organiser Caddyn Ffrench
Hundreds turned out to the Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park

There was another Black Lives Matter protest at Linney Riverside Park in Ludlow on Saturday where more than 200 people turned out, where speeches were made and people kneeled in honour of George Floyd.

It went ahead despite Ludlow Town Council not permitting the use of its land, but was peacefully observed.

Hundreds turned out to the Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park
LAST COPYRIGHT EXPRESS&STAR TIM THURSFIELD-14/06/20.Black Lives Matter protest at Telford Town Park...

Meanwhile in Shrewsbury on Saturday a group of 50 men stood around the statue of Clive of India to "protect the town's heritage" following calls to tear it down.

Some of the group later shouted "white lives matter" and "criminal" to a small group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were chanting "black lives matter" and "George Floyd, say his name" in the Quarry park.

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