Shropshire Star

'All we need is love' -Mick's gift to key workers

A cheerful resident has been getting on got his bike to spread a little love and put a smile on the faces of key workers.

Mick Jones

Mick Jones, of Stirchley, in Telford, dons red, white and blue and carries a Union Flag as his takes a spin when neighbours clap for the NHS on Thursdays.

The 56-year-old delivery driver says: "The idea or inspiration came really from the Captain Tom Moore story. I just loved what he did so I sponsored him.

"Then when his birthday came on a Thursday I brought myself an air horn to cheer him as well as all our NHS workers. My better half then suggested you should go around on your bike.

"I thought 'yes good idea'. So I got myself some Union Flag gear and a nice big flag and did it. Everyone in our crescent cheered and clapped.

"I just wanted to do something a bit different to raise spirits. On the last Thursday of clapping I decided to set up a speaker on my bike and rode around to 'All You Need is Love' by the Beatles.

"I enjoyed making people smile and I would like to finish off by saying a big thank you to all our NHS staff and all the key workers."

Delighted Buckingham Crescent resident Derek Vaughan says: "Here in Stirchley we've been entertained on Thursday evenings as we join in the national celebration of NHS and key workers, by one of my neighbours, Mick Jones, complete with air-horn and digital musical accompaniment playing All You Need Is Love by the Beatles.

"We live in a cul-de-sac so he rides around in a circle to include all our houses and some neighbouring ones, giving a few blasts on his air horn just before 8pm on Thursdays, then sets off on his bike, waving to everyone, on their doorsteps or from windows, clapping for the NHS and key workers.

"He's put a smile on our faces."

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