Shropshire Star

Cute new arrivals at Telford's Exotic Zoo as Patagonian mara gives birth

It might be closed at the moment but that doesn't stop the activity at the county's exotic zoo.

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One of the new Patagonian Maras born at the zoo in recent weeks

As preparations are under way for moving Telford's Exotic Zoo to new town centre premises, the behind-the-scenes work of looking after the animals continues.

And last month there was a pleasant surprise for the staff when one of the zoo's residents, a Patagonian mara, gave birth to twins.

The picture shows the youngsters just two-days old.

The Maras are born ready-to-go, with fur, and their eyes and ears open, walking and feeding from day one. In the wild it would help them survive the threat of any predators.

Patagonian Maras born at Telford's Exotic Zoo in the past few weeks

The zoo's owner, Scott Adams, said they had been thrilled to welcome the two Maras to the Exotic Zoo family, and that they were thriving in their new environment.

He said: "They are doing absolutely perfect. They are already part of a little group because we have four adults. They have really bonded to the group, they are like a little herd hanging out together.

"They are the kind of animal that would live in groups to keep themselves away from danger."

Scott said they were looking forward to when people will be able to see the new arrivals.

He said: "We are excited that the group is getting bigger, it looks really good.

"We are also trying to specialise in having a different type of animal here that people won't have seen or heard of before.

"Hopefully people will be really excited to come and see them when we open."