Telford school's mufti day drives generous food bank donations
A primary school's annual Christmas mufti day was supported this year by a food drive for a festive appeal.
The children at Lawley Village Academy dress up in their own clothes every December to mark the beginning of the festive period, and this year teaching assistant Toni Tanner decided to ask families to go a bit further in light of the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic.
She said: "We have a mufti day annually on the first day in December when the children are in, that's when our Christmas starts for us, and we decorate the school.
"It's been such a tough year, we thought we would do donations for the food bank [Telford Crisis Support].
"We make sure the children are aware it's important to give back.
"We have 200 pupils and some very generous families, which enabled us to collect a huge amount. All donations will be given to Telford Crisis Support in time for Christmas.
"All year groups from four-year-olds to 11-year-olds have also learnt the song 'Do They Know it’s Christmas?' and I am in the process of making a music video for this to show the process of the food hampers being made from donations."
The video will be made available on the school's social media channels later this week.