Shropshire Star

Call for volunteers to support Telford charity helping struggling families

A family support charity in Telford is calling for more volunteers to support those struggling to cope.

Last updated
Donna Fayer, Sharon Uppal and Vikki Thomas, with volunteers

Home-Start Telford & Wrekin acts as a lifeline for many families dealing with issues including isolation, bereavement, mental and physical health challenges and financial worries – all of which have been exasperated due to the pandemic.

Throughout the crisis, volunteers from the charity have continued to support families through regular calls and video chats, doorstep visits, and deliveries of essential supplies to families who were self-isolating or shielding.

As a show of support and thanks to the hardworking volunteers, the charity staged an afternoon tea for its staff during volunteers week earlier this month.

For 30 years, volunteers have been providing confidential, compassionate support which is adapted to the challenges facing the family.

The volunteers from Home-Start Telford & Wrekin are part of a national network of 180 Home-Starts and thousands of volunteers across the UK.

The impact of Home-Start volunteers was heightened in a report recently published by the charity. Home Is Where We Start From shows the value of volunteers in offering compassionate, confidential support to the families, with 83 per cent of families saying that Home-Start has been a lifeline to them and during the pandemic contact from their Home-Start volunteer constituted the only meaningful conversation they had each week.

Jennie Mann, Home-Start UK’s head of volunteering, said: “Volunteers have played an incredible role helping to keep families connected over the past year.

"For many parents their volunteer was the only person they felt they could share their worries with. For some, their volunteer was the only person they spoke to each week.

"But even as we return to a new normal, the challenges for families isn’t over. Many will still need support and families will turn to Home-Start.

"We are looking for people with caring experience to get in touch and find out more about how they could become a Home-Start volunteer.”

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