Shropshire Star

Work friends at Shropshire FA rally round colleague following baby tragedy

Work friends of a woman whose baby was tragically born sleeping have raised more than £2,000 to help create a lasting legacy for her.

Bike ride pic

Mum Victoria Vespa and her husband Allen lost their daughter Luna-Seren at Princess Royal Hospital on January 4 last year.

Victoria's workmates at Shropshire Football Association (FA) immediately rallied around the cause called Luna’s Legacy. It aims to support local bereaved parents through community projects. Among the plans are for a baby memorial garden, to provide handmade keepsakes for families, and raise funds for the maternity bereavement unit.

Saddle sore Shropshire FA staff member Ian Preece completed a 158 mile ride from Wembley Football Stadium back to The Princess Royal Hospital in Telford. Chairman Dave Simpson, supported Ian for the first 50 miles of the ride before Ian pedalled furiously to complete the marathon in 12 hours and 45 minutes.

And together they kicked their £500 target out of the park by raising £2,154 by Thursday afternoon.

Ian said: "We were all absolutely devastated for Victoria and Allan.

"When I found out Victoria and the family were raising money for the parent bereavement in honour of the Luna’s Legacy I wanted to help.

"Victoria and Allan Have been inspirational, to go through what they’ve gone through. And then to find the strength to want to help others going through what they went through is heart touching and exceptional kindness and shows true bravery in my eyes."

Ian added: "It was a great honour to do this challenge for my friend Victoria and the family, and I’m so happy I’ve helped them raise some much needed funds and awareness.

"I’m not going to lie it was very tough and challenging, tested me to my limits, but no matter what pain I experienced doing it, is nothing compared to the of loss of a child."

The dynamic cycling duo found help along the route from London.

The Hilton Hotel, Wembley provided the bike ride team accommodation the evening.

At Lidl, Shrewsbury, the team donated food and drink to keep Ian and Dave going.

Mick Murphy, the chief executive at Shropshire FA, said: "All at The Shropshire FA are incredibility proud to support this cause.

"I’d like to thank everybody who has also offered their kind support and sponsored this incredible challenge. Your generosity will make a huge difference to parents who have suffered the loss of a child, enduring this awful pain."

You can donate here.

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