Shropshire Star

Shropshire RAF flight sergeant in the running for a marathon fundraising year

A flight sergeant from RAF Cosford is planning to run in as many half marathons as he can to raise money for charity.

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Flight Sergeant Clark

Flight Sergeant Jon Clark, who is part of the business development team at the HQ defence school of aeronautical engineering, finds that running helps his mental health.

He also wants to help fill the charity coffers of the RAF Association and the International Bomber Command Centre. They have both helped him personally.

When Jon was to be deployed overseas some years ago, he and his wife noticed that their two young children were becoming nervous about his going away.

A colleague mentioned the RAF Association’s Storybook Wings project, so Jon made an appointment and made two recordings of his children’s favourite bedtime stories!

He said: “I read both books as I would have done in person, with lots of different voices. The best part was that they didn’t know I’d done it and it was a nice surprise when the disks arrived in the post, addressed to them.

"While not the same as having me at home, I believe hearing my voice reading to them helped them feel a little more settled at bedtime.”

FS Clark said: “I had originally planned to run one half marathon a month this year, but like so many things at the moment, covid put a stop to that.

"I am now trying to run is as many races as I can."

He added: "I have recently completed the Blackpool Half Marathon and the London Marathon.

"I’m also looking forward to the Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon on October 24. This is all about the atmosphere, the people and the live bands that are every mile or so around the course. The free drink and shiny medal help too!

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