Your views on closing roads outside schools to stop idling parents waiting for kids
Parents have reacted to a trial road closure scheme that will stop them waiting idly outside Telford schools during pick up and drop off times.

Proposed plans for the scheme outside selected Telford schools will banish parents who wait to pick-up their children with their engines running.
Telford & Wrekin Council's Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee met to discuss the issue this week and heard that parents who are 'idling' are breaking the law.
People commenting on social media had mixed reactions to the plans – with many saying there were no other alternatives when it came to picking children up from school.
Emily Pearce didn't agree with the plans and said it would push parents into more residential roads to park instead.
She said: "Nope. It will only move the parents and traffic to other less monitored roads that don't have a 20mph school zone! It will increase accidents.
"Proper car parks for pick ups and drop offs need to be provided."
Andy Carr-Smith said the plans would make it difficult for parents who work and then have to pick their children up from school.
"All very well said and done but you have to bear in mind that some parents work and literally have enough time to finish work and drive straight to the school to collect their children," he said
"You also have to bear in mind that some children aren't actually going to their preferred school so mum/dad/guardian may have to travel just to collect."
Emma Williams said it wouldn't work in rural areas where people live far from schools and can't walk there.
She said: "Think people forget in rural areas there is no choice but to take the car. My niece lives eight miles from her school so has no option but to go by car as no buses collect anymore.
"I agree that engines need to be switched off while waiting."
However, Ruth Henshaw, thought it was a good idea to limit pollution around schools.
"I think it's really important to try this out," she said. "The air pollution around schools can be really bad and it could be damaging children's health.
"I'm sure there could be exceptions made for individual circumstances. It is all our responsibility to leave this world in a better way than we found it."
And Ann Jones said schools should have better parking facilities to enable parents to pick their children up more efficiently.
"Everyone forget these days, for parents it's impossible to park safely. Yes those living in a two mile radius that are not working most of them do walk to school in all sorts of weather.
"With poor size pavement in some areas that don't fit a wheelchair on.
"If more school had some sizeable parking space it would reduce the amount left on the road side. Most parents commute between schools and work."
The School Streets process began at a full Telford & Wrekin Council meeting last year when Newport South and East councillor Thomas Janke tabled a motion asking the council to identify schools that could benefit.
It was referred to the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, who set up a School Streets Working Group which met six times throughout 2021 to learn about the legal, practical and environmental implications.
In its final report, it recommended officers are given the power to choose “up to three” schools.