Shropshire Star

Kind patient's donation of cute knitted goods to Telford hospital

A Shropshire woman has made a donation of knitted teddy bears and hats to Telford's Princess Royal Hospital.

Wendy Mole donated her own handmade knitted goods

Wendy Mole knitted for years when she was younger, but opted to pick up the needles again after suffering a stroke five years ago.

Wendy said: "I started knitting them because I had a stroke and had problems with my hands."

Using steel needles put pressure and strain on her fingers and wrists, so Wendy opted to switch to a different needle.

She added: "Someone suggested that I use bamboo knitting needles, and they are much easier to use for me.

"Knitting also keeps me occupied, as I still struggle with the effects of my stroke."

Wendy knitted some 20 unique teddybears, and a handful of hats for premature babies, and donated them in the week before Christmas. Wendy even incorporated a couple of her little knitting mistakes into some of the teddies, and one has a crutch, while another wears an eyepatch.

She said: "Before my stroke my daughter was in the Princess Royal for a stay, and I remember seeing something about them needing donations of clothes and things, so I just wanted to do something nice for them, and I have decided I will keep knitting and maybe donate to Hope House or various other places in Shropshire."