Shropshire Star

Collections take place across Shropshire to help refugees fleeing Ukraine war

A Polish woman living in Telford is desperate to take vital goods to Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing for their lives from the invading Russian army.

Magda Benadda from Lawley is collecting for Ukraine and needs help getting it to Poland

Magda Benadda, a single mother, said she began crying instantly when Russian president Vladimir Putin sent his military into Ukraine, which shares a border with Poland.

"The Polish people lived under Russian occupation for many years," said Magda, aged 37, who has family and friends in the east of Poland.

"I know that Putin is an unpredictable and very dangerous man. Many of us have Ukrainian roots."

The Polish authorities have been praised for opening their borders to people fleeing the bloodshed and Magda, who lives with her 15-year-old son Bartek in Lawley, said she is determined to try to help. Many of those fleeing the conflict are mothers like her, with babes in arms.

Magda, who has been in the UK for two years, said: "There are hundreds of Ukrainian mums and children with literally nothing - and many with only one nappy - as they left everything behind with their children in their arms."

She is now looking for someone with a van big enough to transport all the goods that have been collected. She has a driver to help her but lacks a vehicle big enough to cope with the houseload of items that have been donated. She is planning on taking it over to Poland at the end of the week. She is looking for someone to cover the cost of fuel.

She says the most needed items at the moment are nappies, syrups for cough and fever, toothbrushes and toothpaste, hair brushes, wet wipes and also some nappies for adults.

Also on her wanted list are first aid items for injured Ukrainian soldiers, including bandages, dressing pads, wound spray, and surgical sanitisers.

Magda adds: "It is still freezing in eastern Poland. My friends are dealing with this and waiting for help but I have been feeling useless and I want to get to the border to help."

A post on Facebook brought 300 responses for Magda who now has a house brimful of items.

"Lots of people are wanting to help," she said.

People can phone Magda on 07923864592 if they want to help.

Other items she is looking for include blankets, hair brushes, wipes and shower gels, women's sanitary pads, shampoo, new underwear and socks, nappies, baby milk and bottles, small toys, pencils, notebooks for children, towels, bedding, paracetamol, plasters, bandages and surgical spirits.

Meanwhile, an appeal being run by another group of Polish residents is hoping to provide 12 lorry loads of items to help Ukrainians fleeing the invasion.

The appeal is being run by Anna Buckley from the Polish Integration Centre in Wrexham, and has collection points across the county and wider afield.

The efforts are looking to provide foil survival blankets, toys, nappies, sanitary towels, first aid kits, towels, sleeping bags, shampoo, toothbrushes, children's clothes, and more.

In Shropshire collection points are taking place in Telford, Oswestry and Whitchurch, while Liverpool, Chester, Manchester and Flint are also part of the appeal.

Mrs Buckley, director of the integration centre, said that through close contacts in the Polish government they have been given the bleak picture of the situation at the border, with around three to five million refugees expected to need help in the coming weeks.

By Monday the appeal already had enough for two lorry-loads, and expectations are it will reach 12 by the time they depart.

Mrs Buckley said: "It is essential items we are asking for, it is horrendous what has happened there."

She added: "I have already had 200 telephone calls, we have got hundreds of messages we have not even been able to reply to."

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